Interview with Us!
Interviewing is a great way to enhance your application and get to know Lafayette better. Interviews are evaluative and informative, meaning we spending time getting to know you so we can add that information to your application, plus we want to answer any questions you might have about Lafayette.
Students may participate in one interview, whether that is on-campus, regionally in your area, through a community based organization, with an alum, or virtually, per admissions cycle.
Now through January 10 you can register for a virtual interview; we no longer offer in-person interviews. Please note that we are winding down our interview cycle for the 2025-25 application year, which means if you miss your interview for any reason (you were sick, you forgot, your computer didn't start, the electricity went off), we are unable to reschedule your interview due to time constraints. Thank you for your understanding.
On the calendar below, the maroon highlighted days are when we offer interviews. Click on the date you want to interview, then click on the time you would like to interview. Then fill out the rest of the form. Shortly you will receive an email with a link to your interview!